Sunday, December 7, 2014

Blog 9

Fronzen In Time is not a kind of interesting book, as I think. A whole book with full of information about science makes me feel headache. But actually we still can find something funny from a non-fiction book. Let's start from the main character Clarence Birdseye.
First we see the name "Clarence Birdseye" I think the first thought of most of us would be "What the hell is that?" "Well, I need a dictionary." Even our main character he knows his name is funny. He tried to drop the Clarence, which is the hardest part in his name, instead of it he chose Bob. As the words from the book, "Even people today who know the frozen-food brand Birds Eye, with its descending bird as a symbol, are often surprised that there actually was someone with such an odd name. All his life people had trouble believing that Birdsyse was really his name." Well, I believe that some of special people have their unique name. Maybe Birdseye believes that too. One of his favorite stories is when he was in San Francisco and short of money, he wanted to cash a check. He called the local branch of General Food's Bird Eye Division, a company named after his name. He explained his problem, and gave his name. The man on the other end of the line told him if he stopped kidding and gave his real name, he would connect him with someone. I think this is one of his interesting anecdotes. 
When Birdseye was young, he loved hunting and hyperbolic tales of improbable shots, spirited tales about army and fighting. Also some people like cowboys, hunters, and trappers fascinated him, make him became wilder. He'd like to be a colorful character. In 1951 when he was old, he wrote, " The public customarily thinks of me as an inventor... but inventing is only one of my lines. I am also a bank director, a president of companies, a fisherman, an author, an engineer, a cook, a naturalist, a stockholder, a consultant, and a dock-walloper." Although his father Clarence Frank Birdseye did not pursue a life of adventure at all. I like this kind of spirit, and his thoughts. To be more colorful, is not only to face and try more other parts of the world and work beside our main work, we also need a have a heart with a huge space to learn and accept more. I like his thoughts and I would like to live as a similar way. Our life is not that long as we think. For 80 years, maybe we only have a little choices in our life, but we still have right to live more colorfully. No one burns to be a bored person, we need to enjoy the way we do adventure in our whole entire life. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Detective John

A prominent entrepreneur died, but no one knows the reason. It may be peculiar reason, police found frostbite and symptom of tuberculosis on his body. A detective who has a pseudonym called John attend to this case. He thinks entrepreneur is slaughtered by killer called James. He likes to kill people in a bittery cold weather. There's one more detactive called vallecy discredits John's idea which is tremendously hyperbolic. Vallery said John is the killer, he made a fravdulent story. Finally police catch John. He got a life- sentence.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

10 vocabularys

1. Improbable: not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred pg 11
2.hyperbolic: Enlarged beyond truth or reasonableness  pg 11
3.reservation: A district that is reserved for particular purpose pg 11
4.correspondent: Someone who communicates by means of latters pg 12
5.extermination: It is a kind of act of exterminating, complete annihilation. pg 12
6. pulley: A simple machine consisting of a wheel witha groove in which a rope can run to change the direction or point of application of a force applied to the rope. pg 12
7. Aristocrat: Someone whose faily has a high social rank, especially smeone who has a title. pg 16
8. Pragmatic: A pragmatic way of dealing with something is based on practical considerations, rather than theoretical ones. A pragmatic person deals with things in a practical way. pg 17
9. Prominent: Something that is prominment is very noticable or is an important part of something else.
pg 17
10. Infestation: The state of being invaded or overrun by parasites. pg 19