Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Olivia, Lorenzo's sister

"I pulled myself up and, like a dog that has been caught with his nose in the fridge, I slid out.  She'd lost a lot of weight and her square cheek-bones stuck out. Her face looked stretched and tried and her long blonde hair had been cut short. Above her jeans was wearing a faded T-shirt with Camel cigarettes logo and a blue sailor's jacket." She is Olivia, Lorenzo's sister, same father sister. In his memory, his sister was "incredibly beautiful, one of those girls that as soon as you look at them your face burns red and everybody knows you think she is beautiful, as if she talks to you, you don't know what to do with your hands, you don't even know how to sit down."  
" She had lots of curly blonde hair that fell all the way down her back and grey eyes, and she was sprinkled with freckles, just like me. She was tall and had big, wide breasts. She could have been the queen of a medieval kingdom." Such a wonderful blonde angel! Let's see how her character like?
In her letter to their father, " I was thinking that if I had to write a book that tells the story of my life I would call the chapter on you 'Diary of a Hatred'. "

Summary Chapter 5

The story continues on the Chapter. It seems like half of the book was almostly past, but the narrator's style was pretty smoothly, expect the Chapter 4. Lorenzo felt a little bit nervous to stay in the basement by himself but mostly feels free and relaxing. Suddenly, a "stranger" came in and destroyed the calm of his "ski life".  
"I pulled myself up and, like a dog that has been caught with his nose in the fridge, I slid out.  She'd lost a lot of weight and her square cheek-bones stuck out. Her face looked stretched and tried and her long blonde hair had been cut short. Above her jeans was wearing a faded T-shirt with Camel cigarettes logo and a blue sailor's jacket." She is Olivia, Lorenzo's sister, same father sister. In his memory, his sister was "incredibly beautiful, one of those girls that as soon as you look at them your face burns red and everybody knows you think she is beautiful, as if she talks to you, you don't know what to do with your hands, you don't even know how to sit down."  
" She had lots of curly blonde hair that fell all the way down her back and grey eyes, and she was sprinkled with freckles, just like me. She was tall and had big, wide breasts. She could have been the queen of a medieval kingdom." Such a wonderful blonde angel! Let's see how her character like?
In her letter to their father, " I was thinking that if I had to write a book that tells the story of my life I would call the chapter on you 'Diary of a Hatred'. " Absolutly Lorenzo couldn't understand the way she hated their father and how. Just a second, Lorenzo completed changed his mind about his pretty sister. "Naked pictures, worse situation, strong hate for their father" every thing connected together and which makes Lorenzo starts to hate her. But she asked to stay with Lorenzo because she has no place to go and as the way of threatened. Who knows what will happened next? Such a surprised turning point.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Questions based on Chapter 4

In Lorenzo's memory, there was once happened a car accident. His mother drived the car with him on the street of Rome, the start was a kind of really lovely story. Suddenly their car hit with another one, the owners are a couple. The man is very tall and tough, with also a really aggressive altitude. The woman he didn't mention a lot, but the samilar with the man. Their car was expensive. They insulted his mother and pulled her down on the street. Lorenzo tried to do something but he couldn't. He felt angry and wanted to " kill this man", but with guilty also because he can't react with this thing. He couldn't get out of the car, and also afraid of the man. In his younger memory, he doesn't have that much self-confidence with him. Also based on his willing to be more muture, he pretended he's like a real man. But that accident happened, he realized suddenly he couldn't help anything with that. The describe of how he couldn't get out of the car, is also based on his mental activity. He WAS afraid. I think this accident is just like a seed, which makes him wants to get stronger in the future. He knows he is ashamed by him mother, and him also-- from that time, he starts to be ashamed of himself a little bit, too.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Chapter 3

This is a really short chapter compares with others, so I see this chapter more like a connection of the story, which just shortly brings us to the story and happening after he goes away from his home and "go to the skining place". As he arrived the host place which he would live for a week, he feels relaxing a lot. He read a book named Salem's Lot, and he slpet sweetly. He dreamed about something randomly such as he was a survivor of an alien invasion, and he was alive in Rome. Just as a boy's fantasy. Then his mother called him, and asked him about the situation and everything. He felt that his mother found something weird, and he becomes more vigilant.  His feeling is complicated.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Do you like Lorenzo as a character or not and why?

In Me and You this book, I like Lorenzo as a character and especially the main chracter of the book.  Because he is a kind of unique and naughty child, which can brings this book more interesting.  He is always trying to pretend that he is a man, not a young boy anymore. For example on the way he goes to ski, when his mother is driving him to the place and they were really close to the place, he tries to stop his mother and lets her to put him down at the area to let him go to the place by himself. His mother feels strange and askes why he always tries to act like a young kid. But he replies the reason is that he wants to go there by himself which can show he is an independent man. Although his father just told him that don't " call his mother per 5 minutes". 
Another point of him is about naughty and the way that he wants to take adventure. For example the skiing trip was totally a lie by himself which he told his mother, but he hasn't told his mother the truth until he has already on the way. We can look more about inside of a naughty young boy's inside world. That's why I like Lorenzo as our character in the book Me and You. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Review of Spelling Bee

Last Friday, I went to the Black Box to watch the Spelling Bee. This is the second time that I have been watched about that kind of musical show. It started at 7pm. As I went there, there are already lots of audiences sat there. We have been told that the show would be about two hours long, and when it has pasts one hour we will have a midterm break. There were snacks sold in the first floor of gym. When 7pm started, the lights turned off, everyone also turned of their cell phones and ready to watch the musical show. 
At the beginning the two judgments are famous. The female one is a really good singer, who always shows on cats and morning meeting. Then every selected players came in. Everyone looks different from others a lot. They all have their own stories and characteristics. At the far side of the stage there are a group of four cheerleaders and there's one girl acts the one to keep security there (?) After the two judgments annouced that the spelling bee started, the game started. The two judgments would ask every player a vocabulary for its spelling. Players were allowed to ask the two jughments about the definition and put that vocabulary into a sentence. Then they started. The difficulty level would grow up as the rounds has past. Every player showed us their own special way to spell the vocabularies. There were also some teachers were asked to join the game also, which made more fun in this musical show. Although we already know that the mode of this game before, but it was still interesting and funny. The two judgments were humorous, too. I think the selected players are really good at acting, because all of them used their specfic action to show us their character's unique characteristics. There is another thing that shocked me is, although some of the selected players I have already knew in life, but I hadn't heard that all of them can sing that well. Some of them are still young, and they have so much more time to improve. Their way in the future and probability to become successful are unlimited, I think. 
Two hours has past so quickly, as they finished everyone smiled. They worked so hard and their performances are not only for one day. I feel thankful that their hard-working brought us so much joy. 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Top three books

1. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini — Afghanistan and California

Why you should read it: You’ll have a really good cry and also learn about the ethnic and religious conflict in Afghanistan.The Kite Runner’s depiction of Afghanistan and Afghan immigrants was a resounding hit at the time of its release and holds up extraordinarily well to this day.
Reason: Well-known books about Muslims immigrant, and also from a special place: Afghan.

5.Enjoy your life 

The aim of the book is to train the reader to enjoy living his life by practicing various self-development and inter-personal skills. What is so compelling and inspiring about this book is that, in order to highlight the benefit of using social skills, the author draws from the lives of the Prophet (S) and his Companions.

Reason: Muslims' world value, and their way to live the life happily. Let's have a look.

4. No God But God: The Origins, Evolution and Future of Islam

Though it is the fastest-growing religion in the world, Islam remains shrouded in ignorance and fear for much of the West. In No god but God, Reza Aslan, an internationally acclaimed scholar of religions, explains this faith in all its beauty and complexity.  

Religion, it must be understood, is not faith. Religion is the story of faith." That is the reader's key to this fascinating account of the origins and development of Islam. Faith is a way of moving and being in the world; religion is a body of traditions and practices and institutions that preserve the story of how to move and be in the world that way. 

Reason: This one is a kind of "huge book", but it is a realistic book generally about Islam as a religion. Maybe, none of us really understand what a kind of treasure that our ancestors left for us.