Thursday, March 26, 2015

Do you like Lorenzo as a character or not and why?

In Me and You this book, I like Lorenzo as a character and especially the main chracter of the book.  Because he is a kind of unique and naughty child, which can brings this book more interesting.  He is always trying to pretend that he is a man, not a young boy anymore. For example on the way he goes to ski, when his mother is driving him to the place and they were really close to the place, he tries to stop his mother and lets her to put him down at the area to let him go to the place by himself. His mother feels strange and askes why he always tries to act like a young kid. But he replies the reason is that he wants to go there by himself which can show he is an independent man. Although his father just told him that don't " call his mother per 5 minutes". 
Another point of him is about naughty and the way that he wants to take adventure. For example the skiing trip was totally a lie by himself which he told his mother, but he hasn't told his mother the truth until he has already on the way. We can look more about inside of a naughty young boy's inside world. That's why I like Lorenzo as our character in the book Me and You. 

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