Friday, May 22, 2015

My English year

     This is a kind of long year, but in the feeling of time it is also short. If I would talk about the school year, and as especially this English II year, the feeling I would say is I couldn't believe that I have past it just right now. I still have a feeling about the next day I would come to ask the teacher, "What's our next book, Ms. Guarino?" But the truth is, we already finish our whole school year, our English II class. Time has been past so fast even not got touched, I believe I am not only person to think that way. 
     The another kind of totally opposite feeling I would like to share too. It is the English II year is too long. Long enough to be a kind of traditional stuff. I come to my G period, sit and talk about the books we read. We discussed a lot. In the early of the year although I didn't really work hard. Every time I went to class I just bring with my mouth to speak and my brain to think, but not the memory from the book. Actually I didn't really read the books carefully, until the later on of the book Me and You. I finally found out how interesting that book is, and as usual our sad ending books. 
After I realized two days of homework missing almost break my grades, I started to notice how important homework is in this class. But also the positive attitude. I started to love this class! To be honest, as the start of the school year I thought this class is too hard for me and I didn't really like it. Well, if we talk about the improvements, the first thing I would like to say is my attitude became positive, I start to love reading books words by words carefully but not pages by pages quickly. I guess this is one of my best improvements in this year. As the "first honor request for coming next year" from my parents, I have to work hard, but start to like it more.
I think the work that I need to work on there are a lot! First is reading speed. My reading speed is so slow! Every single time when I decided to read words by words carefully, it is just like a non value sacrifice of a battle. I spent a lot of time but still got headache of it. I guess read more is the only way out! 
My favorite book? I would like to say Persepolis. I love the story, the style she narrates, and the meaningful ending. It makes to feel the shape of life. It is getting adapted. Well, if you let me to make a choice of favorite it's pretty hard. I love all the books we read. Especially Me and You and We Were Liars. Hmm Frozen in Time? No thanks. I'm sorry I wouldn't even consider it as literature. I would like to read similar book with the latest book we have been read. But please, a happy ending. I really hated the feeling when I read the ending and how sad I was. It already happened three times! So please, make a happier one. Life is not only sadness. Just like me. Although my grade is too horrible to look at because of the two missing homework, but I am still insisting and keep trying hard! Never say never, my motto. 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Reaction to the novel ( I think it is the best of my English writing)

The first that I need talk about is I really love and enjoy reading this novel. Well, although at first I don't like it at all. I felt the beginning part was so boring and the middle part is so confusing. But actually after I really get into the novel, I started to like the spot and content of that novel. I found this novel is also with the color of mystery. 
For example, the mystery of the accident in summer 15. To be honestly, this is the main part of mystery all cross the middle three parts of the book, until the answer was given in the last part, the truth. The another setting, which is included with the last reason, Cadence as one of the most important characters in this book, also the narrator, she is unreliable. And also the other characters. It mentioned, all of the kids, the liars, and the whole Sinclair family are all liars, perfect liars with perfect life, at least they think so. 
When I read through the middle part, the more I am closer to the ending, the more I doubt about the death of the other three liars. This was leaded by a student when we were discussed about the book in my English class. I couldn't believe it, or I don't even would like to think on that way. How much and when I start to like the characters in this book? I don't know. But when I read through the last part, the whole book are under the shadow of sadness. 
Yes, if what the book in the previous part that we are reading was like, just like the shining sunny sky, but with later on it turned into cloudy, and finally rain heavily with lighting in the ending. I even didn't know that how much I liked this book. When it towards to the sad ending like that, I feel really sad. I thought, if all the stories that Cadence wrote was called fairy tales, so why this heavy tragedy happened to her family? Isn't Sinclair is just like a family perfect in the fairy tale? I don't know the answer, and I can't get it even from the writer. It just happened. 
When it was directly described in Cadence's fair tale, the flame burned and clean their souls. I was like I just saw them in the flame. They died. Without a word to blame. But the only thing left for Cadence was infinity guilt. Also the scene when they say goodbye to Cadence. 
It lets me remember the song "Seasons in the Sun".  The lyrics "Goodbye my friend it's hard to die, when all the birds are singing in the sky, now that spring is in the air. Pretty girls are everywhere, think of me and I'll be there." They walk to endless death, to the endless sea, such brave, such confident. I don't believe in ghost, but I would like to think if there are ghosts in this world, just for them. 
After all, I don't know as the only of the four liars left, Cadence; how she will live alone in this world? The story of Sinclair continued. The three liars just use the flame and their soul to sacrifice for the peace of the family. They did, perfectly successful. Maybe Cadence will remember their words and live better life with the better life, as I hope so.
After all, Sinclair goes back to that perfect family.
Maybe not for a while.
Maybe forever. 

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Review of Bone Chiller

In this Thursday, I went to watch the play Bone Chiller. It was a two hours show, I was really enjoyed about it. It was a mysterious play, from the name I can understand from it. And yes, even now I am really clear with the content in it. But the language was normal, and luckily I can understand them well. The show was talking about a rich man Josiah Travers died, he left the posthumous paper with rebuses, with answers of the way which is where he's heritage will be belongto. Because he is old and he knows that there will be something happen to him, so he tried to make them into a rebuses, which can make the murderer used longer time to find out, or never. He invited he's friends and the people who he wants to get his heritage to come to the house and find out and solve the rebuses. But unfortunately, he died couple weeks before the dinner. With a "pieceful" way. Not "peaceful", "pieceful". He was found with 17 pieces of his body, which is such a scared way. The night came. Everyone starts to come into the house, with their funny and notable charactertistics. I felt the Gypsy women and the cook were really funny. Especially the Gypsy women, her cute Eastern European accent and weird behavior, and the strange magic let me laugh a lot. After they got together, they started to talked about rebuses. They started to guess, or the way to figure out words by words, maybe pictures by pictures. By the time passed and they progress they solved, something happened weird with it. First, the light was turned by someone's hand, then the lady was serving for people to come (sorry, I am not sure how to call her excatly) died first with a diggar on her back. It was just a start. The cook said she knew the truth and who was the real murderer, then she was found with she hang herself. The two of the not really well known inviters, or visitors came out with their real idenity. The one who said herself as a teacher of kindergarten, she is actually the Josiah Travers' private detective, which was fired by couple months ago. Another one who said he was invited as a policeman captain, actually the real one was in the hospital caused by a car accident, which was he really made it. He is the partner of the real one. They figured out the bulter was the real murder and used gun pointed at her. She told the part of the truth, she did murder the old rich guy, and wants his money for repay a gambling debt. Suddenly (I am not sure how) both of the bulter and the policeman captain hijack the others with guns. The Gypsy women used magic to let the bulter became a frog. Then the policeman captain left with gun keep hijack others. But the cook, who hanged herself before was died fakely, she turned back to call the police and stun the policeman captain with a pot. With the right answer of the rebuses and safe freedom, a young man (sorry I am not sure who is this either) called Jerry got the money.
I am not really clear of their idenity and why they discuss about the birth of bultuer twins.

Friday, May 15, 2015


In my opinion, I would like to see the other dead three liars as Cadence's imagination.  As we all know, ghost as a concept which is not yet proved. We don't know if there are really ghosts exsisted in this world. Also if we talk about the background and the situation of Cadence, we would like to consider this as an imagination. Because, she got brain injured and took madecine with the influence similar to drugs. This also can physically make her get imagination easily. And also we know how close Cadence and the three liars are. So I believe this is perfectly her own imagination.

Monday, May 11, 2015

ch50-70 revealed

We have leart that how the aunties fought around the stuff which they all want to get. The other liers are lying and hide from Cadences, and go activity without her.  Cadences rememered the a lot about the experiences with the liers which they dont want to tell. They burt the house of Clariment. Her fairy tale which is nothing much new but mentioned the Gat-like mouse will burn down the island. The book which Gat gives her and she gives to Gat.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

2 Test questions

1. Why Miren lied for she has a boyfriend?
2. Why Gat always tries to get start over with Cadence?

Monday, May 4, 2015

ch 31- 40

Ch31: As usual Cadence still gives her stuff away to the people who needs them, or at least she thinks so. She talked with Mirren, but the weird thing is she didn't get the doll. Johnny comes back and showed up in their conversation.

Ch 32: Cadence met Gat, and she still loves him. As surprised or not, Gat still wants to be back with her. He showed a lot, and asked for "start over", she accepted. " After lunch, and it will be awakard if we just walk. You better start run" And Gat runs.

Ch 33: Granddad said " The old life starts over." Everything changed, old stuff, memories. Johnny was shocked and started to ask where was this where was that, and Granddad was a liitle bit piss off with that.

Ch 34: Cadence starts to get in with the life back with the Sinclair. She mentioned more about the littles. She tried a lot to ask what happened in Summer 15, but even the littles didnt tell her anything.

Ch 35:  The liars got together. Johnny acted weird about the thing happened with Cadence's memory lost. He is nervous. And the end Gat shows up how he starts over with Cadence. 

Ch36: They played Tennis. After that they talked about the travel in Europe of Cadence. But she said the only experience was just a blue toliet and how bored she was. 

Ch37: The Aunt Bess wants the expensive house which is in Boston with 4 million dollars, but also the other daughters of the Grandad. Cadence remembered how they fought around for the house. Aunt Bess was acting really heliraous and fake. 

Ch 38: Liars were playing Scrabble.They talked about how cool and motto can help people get out of the hard times. Cadence told hers, "Always to do what you are afraid to do"

Ch39: Cadence did what she was "afraid", grab his hand and kiss him. But Gat starts to feel weird and stoped. He talked about the story of Heathcliff, which is really important in this book. There's one thing Im not really clear with, pg 104, "A brute beneath a pleasant surface, betraying his kindness in letting me come to his sheltered island every year- I've betrayed him by SEDUCING his Catherine, his Cadence. And my peneance is to become the monster he always saw in me." Why he said Granddad is betraying his kindness?

Ch 40:  She wrote a fairy tale again. This one makes me feel not that comfortable. She wrote about a king and a queen with three daughters. But Gat as first time joins the fairy tale. Cadence becomes the tiny princess. She's so tiny that she could fall in love with a mice. And she successfully did. Fell in love with a mice which truly called Gat. The king found out and angry with her with that and also sad. But Cadence, the tiny princess chose to leave the palace and married with the mice Gat. What a "wonderful happy ending for a fairy tale"! At the end she wrote down her real voice, "If you want to live where people are not afraid of mice, you must give up living in palaces."