Sunday, September 21, 2014

How the drawings in the book add to the story.

In my opinion, drawings in the book is important because picture is a totally different way to describe thoughts to compare with words. Words can show us the feeling and scenes in an indirectly way. But pictures and drawings can show us the things that author wants to tell us directly. For example in the ancient time when humans create words in the front time. The early words we called, hieroglyphic, it's just the words which use the model of drawing. So drawing is the original version of words. For example the content in book Persepolis, when Majane talks about the veil that the women in Iran have to wear. There are some differences between different woman to wear veil, she tells us that only the women who wear veil for a long time can see that differences. The differences are about the different hair style of different women. It basiclly like the same if people look at them from outside of the veil, but the women who wear veil a lot can see the different hair style under veil. If we only use words to describe it, people will feel confused about the content. Because you can't imagine the scene so clearly only through words. But if we put drawings at here, people will know and understand it clearly and directly. Another example is about the Majane's God in Persepolis. If we only use words to describe God, let's see. You can not imagine and know what kind of god that Majane has. How he looks like? What's the scene that Majane is with him? We can't know them only from the words. But in the book Majane uses the pictures. It shows us the God looks like a kind old man. Then we understand all. Also Majane draws something different that can tell us the feeling and specific things that she has. The God of Majane is all white, and look like a kind old man. He looks like a total human, but in some way he doesn't look like that. He looks like a total human we can see that from the scenes that he was with Majane. Such as stand, hug and sit on the chair that close to Majane's bed. It doesn't look like a god used to be like. But in some way the God doesn't look like a real human because he is all white. This specific thing can show us the kindness and pure the God has. 

My collage

The topic of my collage is The Reader You Are. It talks about my reading habbits and details. Here I will describe about the stuff I wrote in the collage. I love reading because It makes me feel like I am charging about knowledge and I am enjoying it. It's always a enjoyable thing to know more about the world, about ourselves isn't it? I am a quick reader. But it's not really a good thing: If you read too fast, you will miss something from the book. Maybe the part you miss is important. Unfortunately I am a really quick reader, my "best score" is about reading a book is 1 hour for 200 pages. So I need to do something else to get as most as I can from the books. I often read a book serval times, if it's really a good book. About my favorite kinds of book,I love history books, normally they are non-fiction. But some of the authors try to write history more interesting, so they use the way like fiction to write history books. When I was about 5 years old and I just getting start about knowing alphabets. But the first history book I read is really interesting. From that time I start to read and like history books. I think history is our best teacher, it can tell us all the things that we will meet in the future. In my opinion, history is just like a huge circle, our future is just like a new part of the circle, nothing will change too much. Because hunmanility is not changing. It makes society and our community keep in a same way. 
I have the favorite author in Chinese. About in Englishis Stephen Kim. Unfortunately I have not read any books of him. But I have watched some of his famous novels that is made to a movie. My favorite one is The Redemption of Shawshank. It gives me so many feelings about life, and goals. Then I talk about my place to read. For me it doesn't matter, I like to read in any places. I prefer to read in bed, because it's more relaxing. I have a stuff called kindle, it looks like iPad but it's totally better to read. It's good for your eyeside. Finally I wrote about the time I read. Sometimes I read when I am not busy, and as relaxing. I like reading because it can bring me knowledge and as a person have more knowledge is the best thing. That's all for my collage, I wish you will like it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My favorite songs

I love music. I like all kinds of music, especially for pop music and classical music. My taste about music is a little bit strange to compare with the teenagers. I like the old Russian songs, just like 30 years ago the songs in Russia( near the end of Soviet Union). Now I will talk about the three songs that I like.
First one, I will choose Березы (siler birch) from Lube. Lube is a famous Russian band. They sing songs about Russian nation emotions, also about wars, patriotism. I love Березы, it's a beautiful song with a sad melody. The singer uses his slowly, magnetic voice tell us a sad but beautiful story: There was a pain of couple, they loved each other so much, the siler birch remembers their love. But one day war begined, the invaders came into their pretty hometown. The boy joined the army to protect motherland. Day by days, the boy has never come back--he sacrificed for his motherland. But the girl still came to the siler birch everyday, and never stoped, until the girl was full of white hair, until the long way ended.The back ground is about the Great Patriotic War of Soviet Union. 
The second one I will choose Конь(battle steed). It's also from Lube. But this song doesn't have an accompany with musical. But it is still wonderful. The Lube band members use their lowering, powerful voice shows us their patriotic feeling. The song shows us the battle steed runs in the battle field, and it is the symbol of Russian patriotism, the symbol of great victory. When I listen to Конь, I feel that I am seething, just like the song bring me in front of an old Red soldier, tells you the stories, the battle he went. 
The last one I will choose the nation song of Soviet Union, Союз нерушимый. This is a very old but classical song. This is a chorus song by the Russian nation chorus. The song shows us the Soviet Union spirit, an annoucement of communist international, and Russian patriotism. The melody is so famous that even every person in the world knows that. And now the Russian national song uses the same melody with it.  

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Quote from the poem Seize The Day

Love your work, and enjoy your play. Remember, there is little lasting joy in things done only for gold or fame. Without love your spirit will be a flower picked without purpose and thrown on the ground to be trampled by anyone.
I think this part of poem is "sparks to me". I work as a student, and I have so many works to do everyday. If the students like us don't have a positive mood to study, we will be bad every day and we can't get anything valuable. So this part of poem tells us, we are not here work for gold or fame (grades) only, we used to have more fun, and enjoy it from heart.