Wednesday, April 29, 2015


16.Cadence talked about two kinds of fairy tales which she is used to read from her father and she wrote one also.
17.Cadence started to project she gives away her personal to public as donation, but she doesn't know why
18.Cadence can't remember the things happened in summer 15, her mother told her about it and she wrote it down.
19.Grandad came to visit Cadence and he looked old and different.
20.Cadence is allowed to go back to beechwood island for four weeks
21.Cadence gives her things to public (continues)
22.Taft called Cadence on phone, and now we know more about the littles.
23.Some big changes in Beechwood Island built new Claremont.
24. It talks about more about the littles, one of them liked to read things about death, another one is not pleasing.
25. Four liars got together, no one had big changes but Cadence thinks she became taller, and Mirren got a boyfriend. They all decide not ot go the new Claremont. 

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