Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Chapter 8 summary

Lorenzo was on his way to see his badly sick Grandma Lauren. He was really nervous. He had to go there sneaky, and he's also sad and worried about the unknown situation of his dear grandma. It seems take forward for him to get the way down there. Finally he went in there, and he was shocked and sad about how badly sick Grandma Lauren is, even on the way to die, she is still suffering. For the room she's living, also. She lives in a such a ugly room. " Shouldn't they let them die in a pretty room? I would like to choose my room when I will die. " He thought. Then he was about to leave, because it was not really good for him to stay longer, what if the nurses found him here and they will tell his parents, which can break his plan totally. But Grandma Lauren asked him for telling story. Lorenzo wants to complete his grandma's every request. So he made up a story about a pool-cleaning robot. And the plan of assassination to Saddam Hussein. There was an accident that the wrong person picked up the box of robot and the robot with weapon inside killed his family. Then it's moving on the other places of California. Under the army's attack, the robot chose to ran to the sea. And finally found in the middle of the oscine, a small island.  

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