Sunday, November 2, 2014


This is the first marking period of my second school year here, and my classes are getting harder. In last year my English class was not that good, I didn't understand what the class went on and I didn't talk. So in this marking period, I tried to talk more in class and get more participation about class. I focus more in class and I tried to write better essays, although writing is the worst part of my English learning.  I think I already improved about my reading skills, especially about poems. I think I am getting started to know more imformation about poems, in the past I didn't really understand this kind of form of literature. I think I still need to improve about writing, which is my weakest part. I will improve myself to do more valuable writing works. I don't know about my grade in this marking period of English class, but for my goal about next marking period is getting at least 1/3 letter grade, and I wish I will reach A- . 
Although I am not good at English class. For next marking period, I will try to care more about homework, and do them especially blogs on time, not like this ( I am already late). I believe I will get better day by day.

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