Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Research of Galileo

Galilei Galileo, he was born in 02.15.1564, and died in 01.08.1642.  He is a Italian mathematician, physicist and astronomer. He was born in Pisa, Italy. He was in a decline noble family. His father Vincenzio Galilei is a musician. When Galileo was 17 in 1581, he was studying medicine in the Pisa University, but he was interested in maths and physics. Then he started his way on them. He was poor to keep study in the university, but he studied by himself. He focused the study about Ancient Greek's scientific paper, he wrote thesis Balance in 1586, then he was called "the Archimedes of the time".
He kept focusing about mechanics, then his new thesis about center of gravity brought him a lot of honor, he came back to Pisa University and became the professor. He invented 40x telescpe, and his study gives a strong help about astronomy. He supported Copernicus' studies, which was forbidden by the Christian Church. Then the Inquisition gave him a trial which made him a life imprisonment. After that he became blind, and had a poor late life. 

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