Thursday, November 13, 2014

research of Bertolt Brecht

Bertoly Brecht is a famous German dramatist and poet . He was born in Augsburg, Bavaria of Germany. He was supporting the labour movement, and then he was forced to leave his native land since 1933.  He went to United States by the way of Soviet Union, but after the World War II he got persecuted. Then he came back to Europe in 1947, and lived in East Berlin since 1948. In 1951 he got the national prize because of drama, and then he got the Lenin Peace Prize in 1955, which is his biggest prize during his life. He died in Berline in August 14th 1956. His family is not very good. His father is factory director of a printing house. He liked Lartin and human science as his favorite subjects. He went to join the war as a medic, but he doesn't like war and he doesn't believe they can win the war. After war he wrote poems and drama, and sent them to newspaper. His famous one Barr, and he wrote a book which includes China. He used his life to travel all around Europe for 15 years of his life. 

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