Sunday, December 7, 2014

Blog 9

Fronzen In Time is not a kind of interesting book, as I think. A whole book with full of information about science makes me feel headache. But actually we still can find something funny from a non-fiction book. Let's start from the main character Clarence Birdseye.
First we see the name "Clarence Birdseye" I think the first thought of most of us would be "What the hell is that?" "Well, I need a dictionary." Even our main character he knows his name is funny. He tried to drop the Clarence, which is the hardest part in his name, instead of it he chose Bob. As the words from the book, "Even people today who know the frozen-food brand Birds Eye, with its descending bird as a symbol, are often surprised that there actually was someone with such an odd name. All his life people had trouble believing that Birdsyse was really his name." Well, I believe that some of special people have their unique name. Maybe Birdseye believes that too. One of his favorite stories is when he was in San Francisco and short of money, he wanted to cash a check. He called the local branch of General Food's Bird Eye Division, a company named after his name. He explained his problem, and gave his name. The man on the other end of the line told him if he stopped kidding and gave his real name, he would connect him with someone. I think this is one of his interesting anecdotes. 
When Birdseye was young, he loved hunting and hyperbolic tales of improbable shots, spirited tales about army and fighting. Also some people like cowboys, hunters, and trappers fascinated him, make him became wilder. He'd like to be a colorful character. In 1951 when he was old, he wrote, " The public customarily thinks of me as an inventor... but inventing is only one of my lines. I am also a bank director, a president of companies, a fisherman, an author, an engineer, a cook, a naturalist, a stockholder, a consultant, and a dock-walloper." Although his father Clarence Frank Birdseye did not pursue a life of adventure at all. I like this kind of spirit, and his thoughts. To be more colorful, is not only to face and try more other parts of the world and work beside our main work, we also need a have a heart with a huge space to learn and accept more. I like his thoughts and I would like to live as a similar way. Our life is not that long as we think. For 80 years, maybe we only have a little choices in our life, but we still have right to live more colorfully. No one burns to be a bored person, we need to enjoy the way we do adventure in our whole entire life. 

Friday, December 5, 2014

Detective John

A prominent entrepreneur died, but no one knows the reason. It may be peculiar reason, police found frostbite and symptom of tuberculosis on his body. A detective who has a pseudonym called John attend to this case. He thinks entrepreneur is slaughtered by killer called James. He likes to kill people in a bittery cold weather. There's one more detactive called vallecy discredits John's idea which is tremendously hyperbolic. Vallery said John is the killer, he made a fravdulent story. Finally police catch John. He got a life- sentence.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

10 vocabularys

1. Improbable: not likely to be true or to occur or to have occurred pg 11
2.hyperbolic: Enlarged beyond truth or reasonableness  pg 11
3.reservation: A district that is reserved for particular purpose pg 11
4.correspondent: Someone who communicates by means of latters pg 12
5.extermination: It is a kind of act of exterminating, complete annihilation. pg 12
6. pulley: A simple machine consisting of a wheel witha groove in which a rope can run to change the direction or point of application of a force applied to the rope. pg 12
7. Aristocrat: Someone whose faily has a high social rank, especially smeone who has a title. pg 16
8. Pragmatic: A pragmatic way of dealing with something is based on practical considerations, rather than theoretical ones. A pragmatic person deals with things in a practical way. pg 17
9. Prominent: Something that is prominment is very noticable or is an important part of something else.
pg 17
10. Infestation: The state of being invaded or overrun by parasites. pg 19

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Comparison of the book and the movie

After we finished reading the book Pobby and Dingan, we watched the movie of it in English class. It takes two classes to finish it, it's not that long but still has everything in the book. As we all know, in general the movie for  the book is just a kind of more emotional summary of book, but in this movie is a little bit different. When we have finished the movie, we noticed there are something really different from the book. Actually, not only about some details are different, the whole style to tell the story is totally different. When we read the book, we can feel like this a kind of book with a sad story, everything is bad turns to hopeless in the end. But in the movie, we can feel more about the kindness in humanity. Every characters bring more good feeling from movie. Ashmol's father is a kind, polite and caring about family, he doesn't get drunk anymore in the movie, which is totally different from the book Pobby and Dingan. Our main character Ashmol, he's not noisy at all. Oppositely, he cares more about his family and his poor sister Kellyanne. He is a brave, confident boy. He is not afraid to talk in front of a lot of people. Everyone expect for the Old Sid has a really warm, kind inside. They bring their kindness to the Willamson's, and spread that kind of emotion to the whole society. About the ending, I think the director just wants to make it a kind of happier ending, and be more confused. He doesn't choose to tell us about Kellyanne directly, but for the people who hasn't read the book then watched the movie, they are not going to believe Kellyanne is going to die. According to these points, I like the movie more. The kindness and goodness in humanity are always the best topic and stuff that we need to find and discover. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Blog 8

For a long time, when people looked up at night, they always wanted to know more about sky, stars, and the space outside of earth. Human beings never forgets to get more imformation about the things outside of earth. Do you know how human started to know about astronomy and classify them as a completed system. It is because of a person, he uses his life to prove and protect the truth, even his enemy is church, and pope. He is Galileo. 
He is a Italian mathematician, physicist and astronomer. He was born in Pisa, Italy. He was in a decline noble family. His father Vincenzio Galilei is a musician. When Galileo was 17 in 1581, he was studying medicine in the Pisa University, but he was interested in maths and physics. Then he started his way on them. He was poor to keep study in the university, but he studied by himself. He focused the study about Ancient Greek's scientific paper, he wrote thesis Balance in 1586, then he was called "the Archimedes of the time".
He kept focusing about mechanics, then his new thesis about center of gravity brought him a lot of honor, he came back to Pisa University and became the professor. He invented 40x telescpe, and his study gives a strong help about astronomy. From mechanics, physics, he doesn't think that's enough for what he wants to study more about. Then he starts to get in touch and give a system form about astronomy with the help of his invention, astronomical telescope. 
When he starts to know about astronomy, he noticed that another astronomer Copernicus's thoughts are closest to truth. Long time ago, human thinks about space is earth is the center of the space, everything inclued outside of earth goes around it. It got organized by Ancient Greeks, and the one which is the most famous one is Aristotle. The roman catholic church supported geocentric theory, because their viewpoints can protect and keep their theology world and their control power to earthliness. But Copernicus knows the truth is not like that and he proves that earth is not  the center of the earth, only sun is. His thought is called heliocentric theory, and his thoughts start to threaten geocentric theory, which is the roman catholic church supports about. The church and pope were afarid of Copernicus' thoughts, because it's the truth and it may take away all the benefits they have.
But Copernicus still decided to protect his own thoughts, the truth. Finally in the end he got burt, and he died. His soul gets reborn in the fire, the fire with sins. Galileo looked forward and he wasn't afraid of the roman catholic church and pope behind it. He stood up and against geocentric theory, and he supported Copernicus' thought, heliocentric theory.
The vile church's revenge came quickly and strongly. They gave Galileo life imprisonment, and they made him gave up about Copernican. Galileo's late life is really poor, he has nothing left, even his free to think. But I believe he never regreted. He was brave to face all the things that the church tried to persecute about.
Overall, what I learned about Galileo is all about being brave and protect truth is honorable, we need to live honorably that we can not waste our life. After we learned about Galileo, we will understand what under his heart, and the power that helps him to fight against sins until he died. That is courage.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

research of Bertolt Brecht

Bertoly Brecht is a famous German dramatist and poet . He was born in Augsburg, Bavaria of Germany. He was supporting the labour movement, and then he was forced to leave his native land since 1933.  He went to United States by the way of Soviet Union, but after the World War II he got persecuted. Then he came back to Europe in 1947, and lived in East Berlin since 1948. In 1951 he got the national prize because of drama, and then he got the Lenin Peace Prize in 1955, which is his biggest prize during his life. He died in Berline in August 14th 1956. His family is not very good. His father is factory director of a printing house. He liked Lartin and human science as his favorite subjects. He went to join the war as a medic, but he doesn't like war and he doesn't believe they can win the war. After war he wrote poems and drama, and sent them to newspaper. His famous one Barr, and he wrote a book which includes China. He used his life to travel all around Europe for 15 years of his life. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Research of Galileo

Galilei Galileo, he was born in 02.15.1564, and died in 01.08.1642.  He is a Italian mathematician, physicist and astronomer. He was born in Pisa, Italy. He was in a decline noble family. His father Vincenzio Galilei is a musician. When Galileo was 17 in 1581, he was studying medicine in the Pisa University, but he was interested in maths and physics. Then he started his way on them. He was poor to keep study in the university, but he studied by himself. He focused the study about Ancient Greek's scientific paper, he wrote thesis Balance in 1586, then he was called "the Archimedes of the time".
He kept focusing about mechanics, then his new thesis about center of gravity brought him a lot of honor, he came back to Pisa University and became the professor. He invented 40x telescpe, and his study gives a strong help about astronomy. He supported Copernicus' studies, which was forbidden by the Christian Church. Then the Inquisition gave him a trial which made him a life imprisonment. After that he became blind, and had a poor late life. 

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

In class writing

After I read about the quote in the front of the book, at first I don't understand what it means. It is really confused that it uses this sentence here. A secret of an opal's color lies not in its subtance but in its absences. Later I start to understand that there is some thing related with the book. As we all know, opal is one of the most rarest gems all around the world. The Willamson's just came to Austria to find opal. In this book opal is in lots of places, there is an huge opal in Dingan's bullybutton, they try to find their opal in their field and so on. Also in this book, the melody is sad. From not the early of the book, Kellyanne was sick becase her father lost Pobby and Dingan, and half of the book they tried to find and finally give them a funeral, even Kellyanne died in the end.  But Kellyanne and her imaginary friend Pobby and Dingan gave a lot of influences to others around them, and then the whole town. They were not that powerful at the first of the book. What they influenced pepple I think is about sadness, how a 8 years old girl cares about her imaginary friend. In the end of the book people of the town said Kellyanne is a brave girl, and her story really make the relationship of the people of whole community so much better. Their beauty of defective attract people to change. Just like opal, people don't think they are attractive because it is perfect, because the unperfect side are storical. 

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Blog 7

Pobby and Dingan is one of the a little books which is about kids and their thoughts. Last one is Persepolis. At first, when I read about this book, I didn't really understand what is really about. Two imaginary kids are the title of the book, and some parts of the main characters. I even didn't understand how people's reaction. They act really strange. But words by words, pages by pages, I have already read about half of the book. Then I started to understand a little bit about what the author tries to tell us about. All the fake and strange parts in this book have relationship with psychology, and the kids' world. The words in this book are really simple, but there are enough emotion in the words. Some of them really surprised me. When Kellyanne asks Ashmol to make a funeral of Pobby and Dingan, and she says that Ashmol can use the huge opal as the cost to pay of funeral, in Ashmol's thoughts there is a sentence: I never thought Death is such important. That one really shocked me. I can understand and know every single words here in this sentence, but I still can feel that kind of strong and powerful emotion and confusion. That is the first time to let a 8 years old kid starts to get in touch about death, which is the problem that human beings tried to figure out about thoudsands of years. Of course no one gets the answer, and it is still one of the biggest fear in human being's mind. Whole of the book when the author starts to talk about emotional things, he uses the same style with this. Simple words with strong meaning. I although can say the style of the whole book is just like a young kid is telling you a story, he even doesn't know well about vocabulary to describe and modify, but he uses his pure emotion to tell you what he thinks. I like this book because it was just like an epitome of my childwood. I can hardly remember what it was about, but after I read this Pobby and Dingan, it refreshes my childhood memory a lot. For example about the imginary friend. I think everyone would have this kind of special experience. When people were young, some of them are quiet, or maybe the environment doesn't allow them to have a well-connected community. So they have to play and spend their time longly, maybe their parents don't spend a lot of time with them. That makes them have a habbit to be alone, but they still want to have some friends. For the kids, the mostly happen thing is they always talk with themselves. Then they start to imagine if there are some friends near them, and they will care about them, and show their friendship, and spend their time with them. When I was young, I didn't try to have an imaginary friend, but I tried to make some of my toys become my friend. I did for the things like this is I made my shoes like a god. I respect them, and I pray to them for fortune of next day. I can feel the same in this book, which shows the desire to be socialized. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014


This is the first marking period of my second school year here, and my classes are getting harder. In last year my English class was not that good, I didn't understand what the class went on and I didn't talk. So in this marking period, I tried to talk more in class and get more participation about class. I focus more in class and I tried to write better essays, although writing is the worst part of my English learning.  I think I already improved about my reading skills, especially about poems. I think I am getting started to know more imformation about poems, in the past I didn't really understand this kind of form of literature. I think I still need to improve about writing, which is my weakest part. I will improve myself to do more valuable writing works. I don't know about my grade in this marking period of English class, but for my goal about next marking period is getting at least 1/3 letter grade, and I wish I will reach A- . 
Although I am not good at English class. For next marking period, I will try to care more about homework, and do them especially blogs on time, not like this ( I am already late). I believe I will get better day by day.

Friday, October 31, 2014


1. Who do you think the poem "Streets" is about? Why? Use evidence from the poem to explain your answer.
I think the poem Streets is about the author's father. From the first of the poem " a man leaves the world he lives and grows up, and in the second stanza there are figs. I think this is the evidence that shows she is writing about her father in this poem.

2. In "Streets," how many lines are there in stanza 4? How many sentences?
8lines, 5 sentences.

3. In stanza 3, there is an example of personification. Say what it is and explain why that is an example of personification.
"The sky which sews and sews, tirelessly sewing, drops her purple hem. " It is personification that Nye makes the sky into a needlewoman. The author uses "she" and sew as a action that human do. 

4. Identify two things being contrasted in the poem "Streets" and discuss why the author might wish to highlight that contrast. What is the message she sends in that contrast?
The author contrasts in the poem are about two kinds of people. One is the people who sleep completely at night and waking refreshed in day, and other one is the people who dreams all the time and live separatly in past and now. I think the author wants to show that in some way that her mother said about her father is a dreamer, always lives in the past and lost world.  She wants to show us that there is also a kind of person who is like his father, in the lost world all day long. 

5.How many stanzas are in the poem "Hidden" and how many sentences are there?
3 stanzas, 3 sentence.

6. In "Hidden," what do you think it means to "tuck the name of a loved one under your tongue for too long"? Explain your answer.
I think if people just hide the one they loved and without a word, it will become a pity.

7. Connect the poem "Hidden" to any other poem or poems we have read by Nye. How is "Hidden" similar to those others in theme or message? Explain.
Hidden tells us that we need to love, before we lost the chance to love. For other poems that Nye wrote, I think this is the similar theme.

8. In the interview, Nye stated that "the fuel that feeds her" is poetry, words, language. In this poem, though, it seems like the "fuel that feeds you" refers to something different. What do you think it refers to? Use evidence from the poem to explain your answer.
I think it refers to the people that they see you as their important part of their life but you don't see them important, or it's about something you don't really interested in, but in the future you find you really need it but you don't have chance.  No one sees what you used to have, but you will know what you lose after it gone. 

Friday, October 24, 2014


1)      Review these lines:

Skin had hope, that's what skin does.
Heals over the scarred place, makes a road.

What do you think these two lines mean? Offer an interpretation and back it up using
specific evidence in the poem.

I think skin here that the author wants say is, skin as a symbol of protection, just like skin protects animal's body. Here skin means protect people from war, she hopes "skin" as a symbol to peace, and heal the people in the war. She believes that heals can make a road for people to escape of pain.

2)      What could skin be a metaphor or symbol for?
              l think skin that author uses here, she wants skin as a symbol for protection and peace. Skin protects animal's body. She wants there will be a "skin" to help all the people in war can escape from the pain of war, just like a strong protection and leads people forward to be peaceful.

4)      Based on what you know about the poet, what is the significance of the line "Love means you breathe in two countries"?
Two countries had war together for a long time. We know the background is about the war between Israel with Palestine. Nye thinks both two countries have no reason to have war expect for nationalism and territorial dispute. She thinks it's not the reason that is enough for people to die and lose their family and life. She beliebes love exceeds countries' boundary lines, it's all around the world. We need to love each other because we are all human beings. Breathe in two countries has the meaning with people live without any thought about different countries. They are all like a one huge family.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Summary for the poem

Here is the summary of the poem My Father and the Fig Tree. 
This poem talks about the author's father and his favorite plant--- Fig Tree. She wrote about her father's life which is around fig trees, and the author's memory about fig trees. 
To compare with other fruits, her father only cares about his fig trees, and he always complains about why there's no any fig trees in their houses in United States. He always tells folktale story to his daughter which are all about fig trees. It seems like fig trees in everywhere of his life, even in religion. 
His present for Allah is a great fig tree. So as author rememebrs her father, her memory is full of good smelling of figs. Fig trees also mean hometown and motherland for him! So that's one of the reason that author's mother said her father " What a dreamer he is. Look how many things he starts and doesn't finish". Also for the new gardens in their house in United States, her father doesn't care about other plants. Maybe because his heart is already left in his hometown. In the last, her father sang a fig tree song, he seems happy with the fig trees aroung him. What a typical Arabic people he is!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Papa told me that, Arabics' life is mysterious.
Faith is more important than other things.
He went to Arab as a guest.
"People around the world think their life is strange and sick,
but I think they are just faithful.


Papa told me that, Arabics' life is mysterious.
Faith is more important than other things.
He went to Arab as a guest.
"People around the world think their life is strange and sick,
but I think they are just faithful.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

About 19 Varieties of Gazelle for 9/11

The 19 Varieties of Gazelle is a group of poems which wrote by Naomi Shihab Nye, and she made it as a response to 9/11. I have read some of the poems in the the book, and they all have relationship with Arabic culture. I think Nye has some opinions about event 9/11, and that's one of the reason that why she wrote this book. Now I will analyse the opinions she has that I think. 
As we all know, event 9/11 is about some Islamic ultra-nationlists hijacked a plane and used it as a weapon to attack landmark building in United States. After that the whole western world start to give an impression to Islamic people : They are instinctive terrorists. But actually they are not like the way western people think. There's not one hunred percent about what a nation, religion and group of people  act like a way. They all have good people, also for criminals. 
In one of the poem that Nye wrote: Arabic Coffee, in some way it is presenting about Arbic culture, and a part of their daily life. I believe there are also lots of poems in the book 19 Varieties of Gazelle are the same kind of poem with Arabic Coffee. When we read this poem, it makes us feel like we are in a living room or a coffee shop in Arab, with warm fire and kind people. She shows us successfully about how Arabic culture is colorful and substantial. In another poem My Father and the Fig Tree, Nye wrote about how fig trees act in her father's mind and life, for deeply is about how Arabic people love their motherland. We see lots of wonderful things in Arabic culture, their pure patriotism but non aggressivity in it. 
Through all the points that I mentioned, I think Nye wrote the book 19 Varieties of Gazelle as a respond of event 9/11. What she wants is to show the world what the truth about how the real Arabic people like, what's in their culture. Arabic is a peaceful nation, no matter there are still some terrorists make risks and spread fear in the world. 

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Questions about the poetry

1. Why the poetry "My Father and the Fig Tree" focus on fig tree? What is the real meaning of author to describe fig tree and the connection with his father?
2.  What do you think about the meaning of the tittle of the poetry "Arabic Coffee" , and how Arabic coffee acts in their life?

Monday, October 13, 2014

Marjane's propose to write Persepolis

As we all know, Persepolis is a kind of comic book, but also an autobiography. The author of the book is Marjane Starpi, and she compounds this two kinds of books together. It's about her childhood and teenage life. 
I think Pesepolis is not for kids to read. Through the book I can feel the emotion which is about sadness of a huge change of a country in a time period, and the feeling of leaving family, friends, and homeland. So I don't think it's for young kids to read. She uses comic because she uses a little girl's viewpoints. It just like a live thing: a poor little girl faces and watches every changing things about her country, and she also changes --- from knowing nothing about it to standing up to protect what she thinks is right. Her audiences will be the people who is interested in Persia, and Irian history about the Islamic revolution. Also for the people's life during that time period. For deeply, her audiences also can be the people who had to leave his family, friends and motherland. The deep emotion in this book only that kind people can understand well. 
Marjane tries to tell the audiences that the stuff happened during Islamic revolution in Iran, people's life and changing from a little girl. She tells us how people live in Iran, and their roles in the new society. 
I think she is very successful to write all her perposes in the book. When you read this book, you can feel like you are just in the scenes, and the emotions of the roles in this book. After you read this book, you can feel how the experiences of that specific girl changes herself so much. 
In my opinion, all the kinds of people who may be interested in Persepolis will find everything they are interested in. I have to say this is an excellent book, for lots of reasons. It is just like a documentary. A classic docmentary.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The shining star of Marjane's life

For Persepolis this book, it's just like an autobiography about the teenage part of Marjane Satrapi's life. There are a lot of people who influences Marjane. The character that I will present is her mother. She plays one of the most important roles in Marjane's life. She leads Marjane stand up to fight for freedom, and becomes the symbol of spirit of againsting injustices.
She has short hair, thin, black and dry hair. For the differences between other Iranian women, she is really special. She refused to wear veil, and she also stood up to against this policy. That kind of behavior influences Marjane a lot.  
About her characteristics and behavior, she is independent, tough, and she loves her family very much. When Marjane was young, her mother was with her father go out with people to against the Shah. That scene influences Marjane a lot. It makes her uses the similar way to figure out the problems about the stuff she doesn't like in school. Marjane's mother is a tough and independent woman. Because even war the revolution these kinds of bad situations didn't break her, she is just like the hard pillar of her family. She is also positive to face her life. Although she was insulted by the fundamentalists, she still overcame it. She uses her behavior to teach Marjane to be a tough person.
There are some events about her mother. When she joined the demonstration, her photo was posted on many European newspapers, so she was famous for this event. That shows us the spirit that she keeps moving on that what she thinks is right. The result of that is she was insulted by some fundamentalists only because she wasn't wear veil. She got sick after that for a few days. Marjane learned something after that. Not really the strong power can make people surrender. Even sometimes people are weak, but at least they have their power to say no to the vile might. And When Marjane and other kids tried to bully the son of the Shah's officer, she was angry and stopped Marjane. She uses that event to show Marjane that, even some people are vile, they made sins. But it doesn't matter to be good with them. There's also no matter about the people around the vile one. She wants to tell Marjane never try to use violence as the way to solve problems. 
According to these points, Marjane's mother acts like a symbol  of overcoming any problems in Marjane's life. Her mother's encouraging makes Marjane grow up with a positive altitude during her whole life. Marjane left Iran, but her mother decided to stay in Iran, stand to support her family. I think she is braver. 

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Persepolis: The sorrow of a special time period

Persepolis is an excellent book. I like it because it shows us a specific time period of Iran, about a Iranian girl's life from a little girl's vision. I also like the writing style of the author, she shows us a girl's heart  during the huge change of her motherland, and it changes through the growth of the girl In this book, about the author's family is also great to read. It makes you feel warm after reading. 
The author of the book Persepolis Marjane is also the main character. The book is more like a autobiography about her childhood and teenage life , but in cartoon. She drew and publish first in France and use French, because she has lived in Pairs since she had left Iran. The book is also about Iran history which is about the special time period during Islamic revolution, and the Iranian people's life during that time. 
This is the first book that I have read which is an autobiography about the author's childhood and teenage life in cartoon. I like this because her words are pure, and she makes me remember about my childhood time. Her words in book also changes through her growth. The huge change about her motherland gave her precocity, and also gave her pain. I feel more happy for the author from the first of the book, before the Islamic country took power. It was the best experience in Marjane's life, I think. Things get worth day by day, and the sad stories happened all around her country. It also shows a the sorrow of a time period truly. She had to leave her motherland lran when she was only 14. Everyone can imagine how much experiences that Marjane has.
Although everything seems grey in her whole life, Marjane still have something to support her go ahead in a right way, and never give up. That is her family. She has a great family, and the history of her family is honorable. Her grandmother's father was the prince of the dynasty before the Shah. Her grandmother loved Marjane very much, and she made Marjane learn a lot of behaviors, habbits. She was more like a princess, she has her principle. Those things influence Marjane a lot. Marjane's parents are really goo, too. They have enlightened way to educate Marjane, and they also had good education, which is totally different between other Irian people. That is one of the reason that why Marjane's family anganist government a lot. It changes Marjane so much that she even can't stay in Iran.
Through all the points here, I cordially recommend the great book Persepolis. If you are interested in the deeply things about humanilties, the huge change of time period of a country and its people's life, this book can give you a great experience.

Thesis of book review

Persepolis is an enthralling book. I like it because it shows us a specific time period of Iran, about a Iranian girl's life from a little girl's vision. I also like the writing style of the author, she shows us a girl's heart  during the huge change of her motherland, and it changes through the growth of the girl In this book, about the author's family is also great to read. It makes you feel warm after reading. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

How the drawings in the book add to the story.

In my opinion, drawings in the book is important because picture is a totally different way to describe thoughts to compare with words. Words can show us the feeling and scenes in an indirectly way. But pictures and drawings can show us the things that author wants to tell us directly. For example in the ancient time when humans create words in the front time. The early words we called, hieroglyphic, it's just the words which use the model of drawing. So drawing is the original version of words. For example the content in book Persepolis, when Majane talks about the veil that the women in Iran have to wear. There are some differences between different woman to wear veil, she tells us that only the women who wear veil for a long time can see that differences. The differences are about the different hair style of different women. It basiclly like the same if people look at them from outside of the veil, but the women who wear veil a lot can see the different hair style under veil. If we only use words to describe it, people will feel confused about the content. Because you can't imagine the scene so clearly only through words. But if we put drawings at here, people will know and understand it clearly and directly. Another example is about the Majane's God in Persepolis. If we only use words to describe God, let's see. You can not imagine and know what kind of god that Majane has. How he looks like? What's the scene that Majane is with him? We can't know them only from the words. But in the book Majane uses the pictures. It shows us the God looks like a kind old man. Then we understand all. Also Majane draws something different that can tell us the feeling and specific things that she has. The God of Majane is all white, and look like a kind old man. He looks like a total human, but in some way he doesn't look like that. He looks like a total human we can see that from the scenes that he was with Majane. Such as stand, hug and sit on the chair that close to Majane's bed. It doesn't look like a god used to be like. But in some way the God doesn't look like a real human because he is all white. This specific thing can show us the kindness and pure the God has. 

My collage

The topic of my collage is The Reader You Are. It talks about my reading habbits and details. Here I will describe about the stuff I wrote in the collage. I love reading because It makes me feel like I am charging about knowledge and I am enjoying it. It's always a enjoyable thing to know more about the world, about ourselves isn't it? I am a quick reader. But it's not really a good thing: If you read too fast, you will miss something from the book. Maybe the part you miss is important. Unfortunately I am a really quick reader, my "best score" is about reading a book is 1 hour for 200 pages. So I need to do something else to get as most as I can from the books. I often read a book serval times, if it's really a good book. About my favorite kinds of book,I love history books, normally they are non-fiction. But some of the authors try to write history more interesting, so they use the way like fiction to write history books. When I was about 5 years old and I just getting start about knowing alphabets. But the first history book I read is really interesting. From that time I start to read and like history books. I think history is our best teacher, it can tell us all the things that we will meet in the future. In my opinion, history is just like a huge circle, our future is just like a new part of the circle, nothing will change too much. Because hunmanility is not changing. It makes society and our community keep in a same way. 
I have the favorite author in Chinese. About in Englishis Stephen Kim. Unfortunately I have not read any books of him. But I have watched some of his famous novels that is made to a movie. My favorite one is The Redemption of Shawshank. It gives me so many feelings about life, and goals. Then I talk about my place to read. For me it doesn't matter, I like to read in any places. I prefer to read in bed, because it's more relaxing. I have a stuff called kindle, it looks like iPad but it's totally better to read. It's good for your eyeside. Finally I wrote about the time I read. Sometimes I read when I am not busy, and as relaxing. I like reading because it can bring me knowledge and as a person have more knowledge is the best thing. That's all for my collage, I wish you will like it.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My favorite songs

I love music. I like all kinds of music, especially for pop music and classical music. My taste about music is a little bit strange to compare with the teenagers. I like the old Russian songs, just like 30 years ago the songs in Russia( near the end of Soviet Union). Now I will talk about the three songs that I like.
First one, I will choose Березы (siler birch) from Lube. Lube is a famous Russian band. They sing songs about Russian nation emotions, also about wars, patriotism. I love Березы, it's a beautiful song with a sad melody. The singer uses his slowly, magnetic voice tell us a sad but beautiful story: There was a pain of couple, they loved each other so much, the siler birch remembers their love. But one day war begined, the invaders came into their pretty hometown. The boy joined the army to protect motherland. Day by days, the boy has never come back--he sacrificed for his motherland. But the girl still came to the siler birch everyday, and never stoped, until the girl was full of white hair, until the long way ended.The back ground is about the Great Patriotic War of Soviet Union. 
The second one I will choose Конь(battle steed). It's also from Lube. But this song doesn't have an accompany with musical. But it is still wonderful. The Lube band members use their lowering, powerful voice shows us their patriotic feeling. The song shows us the battle steed runs in the battle field, and it is the symbol of Russian patriotism, the symbol of great victory. When I listen to Конь, I feel that I am seething, just like the song bring me in front of an old Red soldier, tells you the stories, the battle he went. 
The last one I will choose the nation song of Soviet Union, Союз нерушимый. This is a very old but classical song. This is a chorus song by the Russian nation chorus. The song shows us the Soviet Union spirit, an annoucement of communist international, and Russian patriotism. The melody is so famous that even every person in the world knows that. And now the Russian national song uses the same melody with it.  

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Quote from the poem Seize The Day

Love your work, and enjoy your play. Remember, there is little lasting joy in things done only for gold or fame. Without love your spirit will be a flower picked without purpose and thrown on the ground to be trampled by anyone.
I think this part of poem is "sparks to me". I work as a student, and I have so many works to do everyday. If the students like us don't have a positive mood to study, we will be bad every day and we can't get anything valuable. So this part of poem tells us, we are not here work for gold or fame (grades) only, we used to have more fun, and enjoy it from heart.